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We instituted this course 17 years ago, and many are veteran participants, who have always attended this course. 

Pranayama is beneficial for everyone, in various different ways.
Who doesn’t want high levels of energy, and high immunity? Who doesn’t want a glowing skin, and radiant health?

Pranayama benefits have been documented not only in ancient texts, but also by modern methods of testing and analysis, as well as practitioners all over the world.

Pranayama is excellent for young people, in the cusp of modern life, to help achievement and productivity. It is excellent for people in middle age, to cope with stress, and give calmness of mind.

For older people, pranayama is a boon to reduce pain and stiffness, and increase vitality and well-being.

For women, pranayama balances the hormones, helps fight obesity and reduce weight, and gives mental focus and strength.

For men, pranayama is good for chronic stiffness and pain, boosting energy levels, better sleep, and overall sharpness, focus, performance and well-being.

If you wish to learn pranayama and imbibe the magic it promises, sign up using the link below.

No prior experience of yoga needed. All are welcome.

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11 - 27 November (8 classes)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday

7.00 - 8.30 am IST



(+91) 9818990014, 9878445850

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A popular course in pranayama - introduction, theory and practice,  the fourth step in Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga. A complete practice of Kapalabhati, Bhastrika, Anuloma Viloma, Ujjayi, Bhramari, Sheetali and Sheetkari and Uddiyana, Jalandhara and Mool Bandha. 

Pranayama helps to alleviate many chronic illnesses, boosts immunity against diseases, especially those related to breathing disorders, and removes stress.

The course will give you a wonderful understanding of how to practice pranayama on your own regularly, and how you and your family can benefit from this ancient and priceless wisdom. Group energy will elevate you. The course will improve your vitality and overall energy and will leave you with a glow on your face, feeling refreshed, relaxed and in control of your health and well-being.


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reduces stress  calms the mind  heals the tissues  reduces pain  improves immunity  helps in all breathing disorders  burns fat (aids weight loss)  improves concentration  strengthens the nerves  improves sleep  increases energy ☆ improves lung capacity  improves digestion and aids assimilation  helps in detoxification  purifies blood and all internal organs  activates the endocrine glands  helps in the fighting of illness  increases metabolic rate  reduces catabolic activity (decay and degeneration)  increases anabolic activity (rejuvenation)  good to fight depression  brings about mental, emotional and physical balance  excellent for the brain  brings a glow to the face and a shine to the skin  efficient and simple to practice  requires limited time, space and effort  can be adopted by anyone and everyone  sustainable under all conditions, seasons and circumstances


The pranayama course is our golden programme and is taught by Arun Pandala, Director & Founder of Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon personally.  With over 30 years of teaching experience, Arun makes this highly evolved science of pranayama very accessible and enjoyable for modern day practitioners of yoga. 



“Its opened up all the channels in my body for me. The breath can freely move in all organs. The fear/anger/irritation has totally gone away and in tough situations the calmness and composure help me navigate making good decisions. body doesn’t get tensed up and mind stay relaxed and focused. Positive mindset has kicked in 🙏🏻 Feel more prana in day to day. Thanks @Arun Pandala for being the best guide."



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