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Special YouTube Videos

Free Collection


Sivananda 90 mins class

One of its kind. 
Basic Sivananda Class taught by Arun.

anuloma viloma

Surya Namaskar
and Pranayama

40 minutes recording of a practice which focuses on pranayama.


Intermediate 90 mins

The 90 mins class with additional yoga postures for some challenge.

Advanced class with senior practitioners

2 hours Holding class

The Holding class is meditative, therapeutic, challenging, yet soothing.


Prayerful 60 mins class

Meditative Basic Sivananda Class with focus on specific Chakras. 

Yoga during pregnancy

Prenatal Yoga

Pranayama, Surya Namaskar, 
asanas and relaxation suitable 
during pregnancy. 


Sivananda 60 mins class

Standard one hour class. Savasana, pranayama, surya namaskar, asanas. 

arch back

54 rounds of
Surya Namaskar

 A meditative and challenging practice followed by relaxation.

Deeksha practising Anjaneyasana

Intermediate 90 mins

The 90 mins class with additional yoga postures for some challenge.

Kapoothasana, the Pigeon

Advanced Yoga Class

Two hours special class with advanced variations and holding.

Child's pose

Yoga for Back Pain

A gentle practice to cure and prevent neck and back pain.

Yoga for senior citizens and Chair/corporate yoga

Yoga for Seniors

30 mins gentle chair yoga for senior citizens including pranayama & light stretching. 


Sivananda 30 mins class

For those with busy schedules but looking for a complete yoga practice.

sarvangasana - sarva (all) anga (parts) affecting all parts of the body positively

Surya Namaskar
and Asanas

For those who have less time and yet, get the benefit.


Intermediate 60 mins

The 60 mins class with additional yoga postures for some challenge.

Purna Shalabhasana - Full locust

Advanced Yoga Class

Two hours special class with advanced variations and holding.

Sitting Forward Bend - Paschimottan asana

Weight Loss Yoga

For toning, losing weight and giving yourself a strong yet relaxing workout.

Yoga for seniors

Yoga for Seniors

45 mins gentle yoga sessions for senior citizens including pranayama and asanas.

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