“Health is wealth. Peace of mind is happiness. Yoga shows the way.”
The Freedom Seminar

Many of us are conditioned to believe that sickness happens and cannot be prevented.
Yet others believe that taking a pill for blood pressure or diabetes is necessary and its harmless and everyone does it, and it is normal.
Disease is not normal.
Health is normal.
Taking pills is not normal.
Many people are told that they need to take supplements.
They need calcium, and multivitamins, and there is a deficiency of something or the other.
This is by and large not true.
Deficiency is not normal.
Strength, vitality and balance is normal.
The seminar, Freedom from Pain and Chronic Illness, is an open conversation about how you can get optimum health and maintain it for life.
It dispels many myths and uncovers many untruths, related to disease and poor health.
I welcome you to an unusual conversation about health, and getting rid of your pain and sickness. Once and for all.
It is a long conversation, and there is no yoga practice. Instead, I will slowly take you through many astonishing perspectives about health.
Anyone can come to the seminar – young and old, those practicing yoga and those who have never done yoga. No experience in yoga is required, just come, and sit and listen and interact, and learn. There will be no yoga practice in the seminar.
Ancient science, yoga, common sense, and some simple truths can change your life forever.
For example, how will it be if you can hear the real life story of someone who was recommended a liver transplant and hasn’t had one 16 months after they told him it was critical?
Or a medical doctor who was crippled with back pain for seven years, and is now healthy and fit, and has no back pain for the past two and a half years?
The seminar has three broad parts – new information, testimonials and solutions.
We look at the food we eat, the water we drink, the role of protein, the role of starch and carbohydrates, the life that we have in modern times, the role of yoga, the role of traditional medicine and home remedies, the difference between treating disease and gathering health. We look at societies where people don’t fall sick, and look at people from our own lives, who have good health and how to learn from them.
Frequently asked questions
(Answered by Arun Pandala)
Q. What can I hope to get from attending the Seminar?
A. You will be given a 90 days 21 point disease reversal protocol to follow. This will include at least three broad things – yoga practices for reversing disease, changes in diet and diet habits (what to eat for health, when to eat, and what to avoid), and changes daily habits, including identifying and changing factors causing disease.
You will also understand the cause of disease, a very important matter in its treatment and prevention – this will happen through education – suggested reading material, videos and clips from experts and so on.
You will begin a journey of health, through enquiry, study, observation and experimentation – the right way to acquire good health for yourself and your family.
You will get to consult with me after the Seminar, one to one, about the matter that matters most to you – your health, and freedom from disease. To find a permanent way out.
Q. I have (name your medical problem here)……. …Is the seminar going to tell me exactly what to do to get rid of my specific problem?
A. Yes, the seminar will give you the right map, the right direction through which you can find your way out of the mess, the problem which you are in. Health is governed by principles, and those principles are common for all people, and for all conditions – it does not matter whether it is cancer, or migraine, or multiple sclerosis, back pain, or high blood pressure. You understand the principles, you take the long path to align to those principles, and your health will improve. Yoga will show the way, to you and to anyone who is sick. Whatever the sickness.
Q. I have a non-treatable condition. What can the seminar offer me?
A. It is not true that it is not treatable. It may be true that modern medicine doesn’t have a solution or a doctor has said this to you, in all sincerity. For every person who has been told this, there are a 100 who are living proof that there is a way, and that either the diagnosis or the prognosis wasn’t 100 per cent accurate. Come and understand this for yourself.
Q. Will we be doing some yoga?
A. No, there will be no asana or pranayama practice. You can wear non-yoga clothes also to the seminar. We will just talk, and watch some videos and look at a presentation, and understand many things about health from many different perspectives – yoga, ayurveda, naturopathy, ancient wisdom, common sense, and even modern medicine. We will find a way around serious medical issues by simply talking and sharing thoughts and becoming exposed to new and unusual information.
Q. Who will lead the seminar?
A. I will lead it. I have some experience of creating health. I have not being medically sick since October 1992, a period of 27 years and counting. No cold, no cough, no throat infections, no running nose or congested sinuses, no migraine, no insomnia or constipation, no sleep apnea, no skin disorders, no neck and lower back pain, no blood pressure, no diabetes, no joint pains, no cholesterol, no nothing. I am 57, and live in the same polluted, highly stressful conditions as anyone else. I have also seen my mother, my friends, and thousands of my students, grow back into prime health in this time, with advice which I have given them. I have a story to share with you – as a teacher, friend, guide, healer, well-wisher, and as someone who knows different things from whatever you know about your disease.
Come and find out what it is. And oh yes, I am certified to teach yoga and have taught this ancient science of health for over two decades. The bare minimum advice I will have for you, is to practice yoga under my guidance.
Q. Are you sure that my medical condition can be cured?
A. It is difficult to provide a reverse guarantee on something which has already been guaranteed to you. You already know there is no cure, there is no hope, there may never be an end to this pain or the sickness. Let me say it like this – you will lose almost nothing, but maybe, you will gain permanent good health. Let me say, that the risk you are taking in finding some answers that completely elude you now, is so low, it is worth trying the seminar.
Q. Why is the seminar so long?
A. If you have been sick for long, I need time to make you understand.
If you have been told it is incurable, I need to give you evidence and proof and clear guidelines to explain that the reverse is also true.
The modern marketing machinery is inside all of us. The “brainwashing’ and an idea that some good things are possible, takes time, maybe more than seven hours, but for a beginning, seven hours spread over two days is about the maximum I feel you can tolerate in the first go.
And 50,000 years of wisdom, of health and happy living, will take time to summarize. Seven hours is a beginning.
Therefore, seven hours of discussions about a very important matter, close to our hearts literally.
In a way, just seven hours.
It should be a matter of discussion every day, in school and college, and daily life. In its absence, the two-day Freedom Seminar.
Q. How many people will there be in the seminar?
A. Maybe about 20, 25 people, all from different backgrounds. Some are attending the seminar out of curiosity – they are not sick or seeking solutions for any sickness. They want to gain some knowledge and understanding for themselves. Others are searching for answers, some for serious problems, and the others for issues which are troublesome, but not life-threatening. Each person in the seminar will help you by their presence, their life experience, and their sharing. I will moderate the seminar, and use those valuable experiences to make something possible for you and your medical problem. Since principles are universal, anything that anyone shares in the seminar will be extremely valuable for you.
If you wish to attend, and also bring someone along, please reply with a YES and your mobile number and I will personally be in touch with you.
Please help me and help others by forwarding this information to people whom you feel may benefit.
Please note the venue, date and time, and the fee for the next seminar.
Om shanti,
Arun Pandala
Acharya and Director
Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon
Yoga Expert, Secretary, and Member
Technical Committee, Steering Committee and Advisory Committee for World Standards in Yoga,
Government of India
(an initiative started on the directive from the Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi)
+91 9810645850