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yoga alliance certified 200 Hours training

(non-residential course in Gurgaon)


There is a keen desire in many people living in the city, to learn more about yoga, practice it, and also learn to teach yoga. On the other hand, there is a huge and growing demand for trained yoga professionals.

Many people, at this time, cannot become a yoga teacher, because they are required to spend many months, sometimes years away from family to get a yoga teacher qualification.

To benefit many more people, who would like to become a yoga teacher, SYCG is pleased to introduce a weekend, non-residential international YTTC Level I, yet again, the fourth in a row.

Yoga is a vast science. The practice of asanas, or postures, is the most commonly understood, but only one aspect of yoga.

The International Yoga Teachers Training Course is designed to give ordinary people a deeper experience of this ancient science. You can view the full daily schedule of the IYTTC below.

In the course, you will have an opportunity to practice yoga asanas (yogic exercises), relaxation, cleansing techniques called kriyas, pranayama, or the science of breath, and breath control, and guided meditation. In addition to this, you will have an opportunity to practice selfless service and learn ancient scriptures. 


This eleven weeks course offers a profound personal experience, designed to build a firm foundation of inner discipline and provide the proficiency to teach yoga to others. The essence of yoga is learned through a combination of repeated practice and inspirational lessons. The approach to teaching is personal, focusing on the individual student.

We have been running IYTTC course for over 14 years.
No prior experience of yoga is necessary.
We will teach everything step-by-step.

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11 January - 29 March 2025

11 January to 23 March (11 weekends in Gurgaon)

25 - 29 March (Five days at Pops Resort, Palampur)

Gurgaon: Vidya School, DLF Phase 3, Gurgaon
Residential programme: Palampur, Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh, India

(+91) 9818990014, 9810645850

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Om Shanti


​From 25-29 March, residential programme
Pops Resort, Village Chachian, Palampur Tehsil, (Dharamasala) District Kangra, Himachal Pradesh, Himalayas, (INDIA) PIN 176059

Palampur, at a height of 1219 mts., is a main spot in the beautiful valley surrounded by tea gardens and pine trees, 30 kilometers from the popular tourist destination Dharamsala. It is surrounded by the Dhauladhar range - mountains and Himalayan peaks are visible in the foreground.

The ashram has about 25 twin sharing rooms, and a few triple sharing rooms for participants and staff.



  1. Yoga Asanas
    • The sun salutation and the twelve basic yoga postures
    • Advanced variations
    • Effects of asanas on the physical and astral body
    • Proper posture alignment, deep relaxation, release of blocked energy
    • Benefits of Yoga Asanas

  2. Pranayama
    • The basic practices: Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma (alternate nostril breathing) 
    • Advanced pranayama exercises

  3. Kriyas
    • The six classical exercises for purifying the body

  4. Hatha Yoga Theory
    • The astral body
    • The nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers)

  5. How to Teach
    • How to teach the sun salutation and the twelve basic postures
    • Setting up a proper environment for class
    • The basic class

    • How to teach beginners and intermediate students
    • How to teach children, the elderly, and prenatal yoga
    • How to correct a student doing Asanas

  6.  Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
    • The four paths of Yoga: Karma Yoga (selfless service), Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion, including attendance at devotional rituals); Raja Yoga (mind control), and Jnana Yoga (the path of wisdom and realization).
    • Psychology of the spiritual aspirant
    • The law of karma
    • Kundalini yoga

  7. Anatomy and Physiology
    • The effects of hatha yoga practices on the major body systems

  8. Yogic Diet and Nutrition
    • Influence of diet on the mind
    • Proper diet
    • Nutrition according to Yogic guidelines
    • Ethical, health and spiritual reasons for vegetarianism

  9. Meditation
    • Twelve-step guideline to meditation
    • The benefits of meditation
    • Mantras, mantra-initiation (if requested)

  10. Kirtan (Chanting)
    • Positive effects of chanting on the emotions
    • Correct pronunciation and mental attitude
    • Learning classical Sanskrit chants

  11. Bhagavad Gita
    • Study and commentary of the classical scripture


In the 11-weeks, with a specially controlled diet, fresh air, serene surroundings, a relaxed and peaceful environment, mentally and emotionally aligned gathering of like-minded people, educative lectures on Vedanta and yoga philosophy, highly trained teachers and guides, and the practice of yoga, you slowly become meditative, your health improves, and you have perception of a better way of life.


Internationally valid certificate


Become a better version of yourself


Have a happier & more fulfilling life


Learn the ancient techniques of staying healthy


Take care of your family & friends

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Higher levels of energy


Fitness, strength, stamina, flexibility


A community of like-minded individuals


Begin a journey of peace & harmony


Learn the yoga philosophy of life


Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon has a teacher body of over 100 active teachers. Each of them has completed his or her International Yoga Teachers’ Training course certified by Yoga Alliance to teach yoga anywhere in the world. This teacher body, growing and maturing as each day goes by, is one of the largest pools of qualified yoga teachers of the Sivananda system in the world, practicing and teaching together at one centre, online and onsite.

Our greatest assets are the faculty who teach the IYTTC. They are some of the very best in the world, vastly experienced, senior, wise, charismatic, articulate, passionate, and highly motivated in sharing knowledge.


"The TTC program has been nothing short of a transformational journey. The classes we engaged in, from Asanas to pranayama to meditation and all the lectures have helped me cultivate greater discipline, balance and calm in my day to day life.  Physically too, I am a lot more energetic and stronger. I am amazed at how the principles and philosophy of yoga learnt during the program has got effortlessly and seamlessly integrated into my daily life making me more self aware, mindful and productive. It truly was one of the most amazing experiences of my life, layered with learnings, some of which I am still processing 

Kudos to the SYGC team whose passion and commitment is just unparalleled. It's  Arun and the team of teachers and their expertise and dedication that make this program stand apart. 

I would highly highly recommend this program to anyone looking to deepen their practice and improve the quality of their life."



DAILY SCHEDULE (11 January - 23 March, Gurgaon)

7.00 am Arrival at the venue

7.30 am Asana and Pranayama class
9.30 am Brunch

8.00 am Asana and Pranayama class

10.00 am Brunch

10.45 am Bhagavad Gita/Chanting class

12 noon Main Lecture on philosophy

1.00 pm Tea time

1.30 pm Main Lecture on philosophy

2:45 pm Meditation, chanting and lecture or silent walk

4:00 pm Asana and Pranayama class

6.00 pm Aarti, Prasad and departure

* Attendance at all activities is mandatory

DAILY SCHEDULE (25 - 29 March, in residence)

5.30 am Wake up

6.00 am Meditation, chanting and lecture or silent walk

7.30 am Tea time

8.00 am Asana and Pranayama class

10.00 am Brunch

11.00 am Seva time – selfless service (60 mins)

12.00 noon Bhagavad Gita/Chanting class

1.30 pm Tea time

2.00 pm Main Lecture on philosophy

4:00 pm Asana and Pranayama class

6:00 pm Dinner

7.30 pm Meditation, chanting and lecture or special programme

9.30 pm Lights out


The students are continuously assessed throughout the course at all levels. There will be a written exam at the end of the course to evaluate the understanding of the philosophy of Yoga and skills of the students.

Assessment is based on:

  • Regular attendance of all classes - 90 per cent attendance is mandatory for certification

  • Written summary of the main philosophy classes and hatha yoga theory classes

  • Attitude and behaviour inside and outside of the ashram while attending the course

  • Performance and attitude in the practical asana, pranayama, bandhas and kriya classes

  • Hatha yoga teaching skills

  • Karma yoga

Upon the successful completion of the course, the students receive the Certificate from Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon.

This training course fulfills the requirements for the Yoga Alliance 200-hour certification, ( for which graduates of the programme are invited to register.


This course is open to all students who wish to deepen their knowledge and application of some of the highest teachings of yoga. Participants do not need to be yoga teachers. Mastery of any yoga practice is not necessary… only your sincere desire for knowledge and your commitment to personal growth.


Please fill in our online application form. Kindly also submit a minimum, non-refundable deposit of 25% of the course fee (plus 18% GST), to reserve your place in the course. The whole fee can either be paid immediately, or by latest 14 December 2024. Click below for application form and payment details.


(+91) 9818990014, 9810645850

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