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​International Yoga Teachers Training course - Level 1

200 Hours - Yoga Alliance certification

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To become a yoga teacher is a wonderful thing. To teach yoga, and spread its experience of peace, good health and general well-being is a blessing. To be connected to yoga in a deeper way, in the modern times of stress and disharmony all over, is to be a catalyst for a better, more harmonious life.

If becoming a yoga teacher is your goal, we have an ideal course coming up for you. There are no pre-requisites. You can be from anywhere in the world, from any background, male or female, young or old, having some experience of yoga, or no experience at all.

The certification is internationally recognised, so you can teach, once certified, in India, and also in many parts of the world.

Dyutima +91 9811855855, Arun +91 9810645850, Priti +91 9878445850

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  1. Yoga Asanas
    • The sun salutation and the twelve basic yoga postures
    • Advanced variations
    • Effects of asanas on the physical and astral body
    • Proper posture alignment, deep relaxation, release of blocked energy
    • Benefits of Yoga Asanas

  2. Pranayama
    • The basic practices: kapalabhati, anuloma viloma (alternate nostril breathing) 
    • Advanced pranayama exercises

  3. Kriyas
    • The six classical exercises for purifying the body

  4. Hatha Yoga Theory
    • The astral body
    • The nadis (energy channels) and chakras (energy centers)

  5. How to Teach    
    • How to teach the sun salutation and the twelve basic postures
    • Setting up a proper environment for class
    • The basic class
    • How to teach beginners and intermediate students
    • How to teach children, the elderly, and prenatal yoga
    • How to correct a student doing Asanas

  6. Yoga Philosophy and Psychology
    • The four paths of Yoga: Karma Yoga (selfless service),
    Bhakti Yoga (the path of devotion, including attendance at devotional rituals);
    Raja Yoga (mind control), and Jnana Yoga (the path of wisdom and realization).
    • Psychology of the spiritual aspirant
    • The law of karma
    Kundalini yoga

  7. Anatomy and Physiology
    • The effects of hatha yoga practices on the major body systems

  8. Yogic Diet and Nutrition
    • Influence of diet on the mind
    • Proper diet
    • Nutrition according to Ayurvedic guidelines
    • Ethical, health and spiritual reasons for vegetarianism

  9. Meditation
    • Twelve-step guideline to meditation
    • The benefits of meditation
    Mantras, mantra-initiation (if requested)

  10. Kirtan (Chanting)
    • Positive effects of chanting on the emotions
    • Correct pronunciation and mental attitude
    • Learning classical Sanskrit chants

  11. Bhagavad Gita
    • Study and commentary of the classical scripture    

Devi puja, one of the many vedic and yogic rituals to elevate the human spirit

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Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon (SYCG) is a RYS 200 and a RYS 300 Registered Yoga School with Yoga Alliance®, USA. (

The International Yoga Teacher Training Courses conducted by Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon qualifies candidates to apply to the Yoga Alliance, USA for a RYT 200 hours and a RYT 500 hours status respectively.

Sivananda Yoga Centre, Gurgaon conducts its yoga classes, retreats and teacher training courses independently,

and is not affiliated to any yoga organization, in India or anywhere in the world.

Yoga Alliance registry marks
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